Because You’re Needy
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Why is that when I approach women just to talk, they act like I’ve got a penis growing out of my head?
Because you’re needy.

Why is it that my wife rolls her eyes and acts disgusted when I ask her what is wrong?
Because you’re needy.

Why does everyone in my life seem to try to disappoint me?
Because you’re needy.

Why is it that the more I do for my wife, the less she wants to have sex?
Because you’re needy.

I always end up really falling for girls and we talk or text for hours for several days in a row, and then they suddenly stop responding to me. Why does that always happen?
Because you’re needy.

My girlfriend and I have been together for six months. I suggested we move in together. She suggested we take a break. Why?
Because you’re needy.

I told my wife that I was willing to skip my fishing trip with my buddies this weekend for her to help with the kids. Somehow this made her mad.
Because you’re needy.

I was texting my wife to see what she is doing, and she got mad and said I’m always checking up on her and it’s ticking her off.
Because you’re needy.

My wife never compliments the way I look. Ever. I brought this up to her. Now she’s pissed and won’t talk to me.
Because you’re needy.
My girlfriend made plans to hang out with her friends instead of our usual Friday night together. She could tell I was pissed and she hasn’t answered my texts all night.
Because you’re needy.
I like that my wife does long-distance running. I told her that I wanted to get in shape and join her. She’s been acting weird about it.
Because you’re needy.
Needy behavior. It’s anti-sexy. It’s the opposite of what a woman wants. It’s the opposite of independent.
An independent man doesn’t care what the wife thinks or feels 24/7, doesn’t always check up on her whereabouts, doesn’t push the relationship with the girlfriend to the next level, doesn’t follow the wife wherever she goes, doesn’t get upset when the wife shows independence, doesn’t get hung up on the opinions of others, and he doesn’t freely give up his time at a moment’s notice.
An independent man is VERY reluctant to do things that disrupt his highly-coveted freedom. He loves to do his own thing. He has passions. A needy man is directionless and looks to his wife for guidance. When she doesn’t gleefully invite him to join her on her adventures, he feels left out. He feels abandoned.
An independent man needs to be convinced and really sold on the idea of joining his wife for a girl’s night out. He would much rather do twelve other things by himself or with his guy friends.  A needy man gets upset when he’s not invited.
If a guy tells me that he’s having a hard time getting a date, or his wife hasn’t wanted sex for the past several months (or longer), it’s time to start asking questions about his neediness. He’s probably an extremely needy man. Neediness leads to weakness, dishonesty, uncertainty, negative tension… and the eventual implosion of the relationship.
Get to the bottom of your neediness. Where did it originate? How has it affected your relationships with women? How about relationships with friends and colleagues? It’s time to take an honesty inventory of yourself and your faults. Your neediness is probably up there on the list. It has probably had a WAY bigger effect on your personal relationships than you think.

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