“How I Ended A 30-Year Addiction To Porn”
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At the beginning of my journey on September 15, 2020, I had an epiphany that changed my life forever. I looked at the guy in the mirror and was disgusted. I vowed to stop everything
negative holding me back from feeling happy again. That same day, I came across DSO’s The Dead Bedroom Fix and the rest is history.

DSO specifically mentioned porn addiction as a crutch in the beginning of the book. That hit me hard since I had been addicted to daily porn for 30 years. I immediately recognized my addiction as a negative. “Every guy does it” was my rationalization for three decades. I tried to tackle porn addiction many times and failed every time. I’d say the longest I went without porn was a week at the most. The advent of smartphones makes it way too easily accessible in the
21st century.

Addiction is all about one thing: DOPAMINE. Your brain has receptors for dopamine that give you a natural high of endorphins. You experience dopamine when you do ANYTHING that feels good. Imagine getting an ice cream cone after a day of outside work in 90-degree heat. Dopamine gives you a feel-good surge the moment you stick your tongue out. The same goes for fast food. The sugar and fat in cheap food give a surge of energy for about 15 minutes. Your body begins to crave that feeling again and again. Drugs, alcohol, sex, video games, etc… dopamine is at the heart of it all.

The problem with dopamine is when your brain receptors get saturated, it takes more and more dopamine to give you the original buzz. There are only a certain number of receptors for the dopamine to trigger the endorphins. The only way to trigger the original feel-good feeling is to up the ante and release more dopamine. With regards to porn, you must go more and more hardcore over time to get a really good orgasm and feel fully satisfied.

Hence the problem gentleman. Porn is fake! Your wife isn’t your favorite actress and never will be! You don’t live in a basement dungeon! You don’t have five women licking whipped cream off of your dick right now, do you? Dopamine, fantasy, and spare time are what make porn a billion-dollar industry. Porn also kills hundreds of marriages a day. Men will eventually have ridiculous standards for their wives to live up to in their bedrooms. Your marriage and your wife will never compare to the millions of porn images you have seen online. EVER!

My Plan of Action

1. First thing I did was recognize the timing of my daily triggers. I had a tendency to have urges first thing in the morning or right after work.

2. I had already decided on getting to the gym 5-6 times a week. I began hitting the gym HARD right after work to quell the urges and get a runner’s high instead of seeking the porn rush.
3. If urges hit at work, I would do some push-ups in my office or just grab a stick of gum. Reading or listening to Audible was also a great outlet to get my mind on track as well.
4. On my days off, I would hit the gym in the morning to get that negative energy out immediately and turn it into positive results.
5. The research data indicates if you can conquer porn addiction cold turkey for TWO WEEKS, you have successfully trained your body to be rid of the need for imagery. I personally would say after a month, I had no urges whatsoever and I continue to be free of my addiction.

After about five days, I experienced something incredible. I began feeling a euphoria similar to a manic episode. At the time, I thought it was the gym that produced that feeling. I read much later that porn addicts can experience a euphoric high 1-2 weeks after ceasing porn. The euphoria is produced when the dopamine receptors release the oversaturated dopamine back into your system. I felt absolutely amazing for approximately two weeks, gentleman. I felt like I had energy to do anything. I used that energy to do whatever I had put off around the house, dance with my wife, take the kids on adventures, and get more results at the gym.

I haven’t looked up porn AT ALL for nine months as I write this. I admitted to my wife about my porn problem early in my journey and it freaked her out a bit, but it is a non-issue now since it is ancient history. I have had a handful (pun intended) of times where I needed to release sexually during my journey. Neediness was creeping in at times. I replaced the porn with photos/videos of my wife that I took or she sent to me.

Hopefully, this can help you through this addiction. Chewing gum controls my urges to eat crap, but It seems that physical activity really controlled my porn urges. That euphoria I felt would be incentive enough for anyone to conquer porn. I wish you nothing but success because it is a huge problem gentleman. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one.

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